News - Mineral Dust Cycle

    This week, Arte TV is broadcasting a series of reports dedicated to “high winds”. Some of the sequences in the episode “Alizés: le...lisa-on-arte-tv
Tuesday 3 September 2024
Aerosols scatter and absorb solar radiation, with several consequences. By scattering, they reflect part of the sun's radiation back into space,...a2s2-new-airborne-instrument-to-measure-the-vertical-atmospheric-profile-of-aerosol-absorption
Monday 2 September 2024
From June 24 to July 5, 2024, LISA welcomed researchers from the University of Birmingham (UK), the University of Aarhus (Denmark) and Tianjin
Monday 22 July 2024
From April 8 to 12, 2024, Akinori Ito, researcher at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), visited LISA thanks to the French...from-yokohama-to-creteil-lisa-welcomes-akinori-ito
Thursday 11 April 2024
In January 2024, the French Ambassador to Namibia, Mr. Sébastien Minot, and his staff visited LISA's observation station in Gobabeb, Namibia....the-french-ambassador-visits-lisa-s-gobabeb-station-in-namibia
Monday 8 January 2024
For several years, LISA has been conducting a program of observations on the west coast of Namibia, facing the Atlantic Ocean, one of the most important...
Monday 18 December 2023
As part of a thesis co-supervision agreement with Cairo University, Moetasm ElTaweel spent a third year at LISA, where he was supervised by S. Alfaro, A....
Monday 2 October 2023
Shortly after successfully defending her thesis at the University of Birmingham in the UK, in June 2023 Clarissa Baldo was awarded the prestigious MOPGA...
Wednesday 14 June 2023
    On 14/04/2023, Béatrice Marticorena replied on France 3 to the question "Are dust storms caused by climate change?" posed by one of the...lisa-researcher-on-france-3
Monday 17 April 2023
L’érosion éolienne est la mise en mouvement des agrégats constitutifs du sol sous l’action du vent. C’est un phénomène à seuil qui dépend d’une part de...campagne-erosion-en
Wednesday 29 March 2023
Chili As part of a Fondecyt-funded project led by Valentina Flores-Aqueveque, Stéphane Alfaro was invited to the University of Chile in Santiago to work...
Wednesday 18 January 2023
Les vastes quantités de poussières soulevées au Sahara modifient fortement les bilans énergétiques terrestres, les processus biogéochimiques, la...tempetes-poussieres-en
Wednesday 10 June 2020
  Front de poussière arrivant sur la ville de Niamey le 4 mai 2020 vers 14h (Photo Aliko Mamane – IRD Niamey)   Le 4 mai dernier, Niamey,...evenement-poussiere-en
Thursday 28 May 2020