New line list for the nu4 bands of the trans (790.117 cm–1) and cis (851.943 cm–1) conformers of nitrous acid (HONO): accurate positions and absolute intensities
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
The remote sensing observations of the atmospheres of the Earth and of other planets or of the interstellar medium provide numerous high quality absorption/emission spectra. The analysis of these data is based on theoretical treatments and spectral analyses as well as on laboratory spectroscopic measurements. The studies carried at LISA thus include the development and use of laboratory experiments and theoretical models, and of some software for the analysis of the spectra and remote sensing data.
Data availability and requirements relevant for the Ariel space mission and other exoplanet atmosphere applications
RAS Techniques and Instruments
The Isomer Distribution of C6H6 Products from the Propargyl Radical Gas-Phase Recombination Investigated by Threshold-Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Communications Chemistry