Published on Tuesday, 03 September 2024 09:46

ACTU Arte 00



This week, Arte TV is broadcasting a series of reports dedicated to “high winds”. Some of the sequences in the episode “Alizés: le souffle du voyage” were filmed at the INDAAF station in Bambey and at the IRD Bel-Air site in Dakar during a station maintenance mission, with the active participation of staff from LISA and iEES-Paris, the CNRA in Bambey and IRD-Dakar. This episode will be broadcast on Wednesday September 4 at 4:45 pm and is available on the ARTE-TV platform. (





Participants to « Alizés : le souffle du voyage » : Georgette Roky Ndiaye and Mor Sene ISRA, Bambey (bottom left) ; Jean Louis Rajot, CR IRD, LISA/iEES-Paris (top right) ; Aboubacry Diallo, IRD Dakar (top left) ; Béatrice Marticorena, DR CNRS et Cécile Gaimoz, IR UPEC, LISA (bottom right).