ACTRIS PPP (Preparatory Phase Project)

The Research Infrastructure (RI) ACTRIS – Aerosols, Clouds and Trace Gases - is the pan-European RI that consolidates activities amongst European partners for observations of aerosols, clouds, and trace gases and for understanding of the related atmospheric processes, to provide different sets of scientific services to wide user groups.

ACTRIS is composed of distributed National Facilities (observation platforms and exploratory platforms) both in Europe and globally, and of Central Facilities (Head Office, Data Centre and 5 Calibration Centres). ACTRIS provides access to its facilities, open-access data, research support, instrument calibration and development, and training to various user groups. By providing data and access, ACTRIS enhances science, but it also generates and disseminates knowledge, boosts technological development, and creates human capital and jobs for the benefit of the society.

ACTRIS will positively impact on e.g. human health, climate resilience, and protection from environmental hazards and reduction of air pollution. ACTRIS has been selected to the ESFRI roadmap in 2016 as mature enough to be implemented within the next ten years.
Currently the RI is being developed through ACTRIS PPP (Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research Infrastructure Preparatory Phase Project): a European Project supported by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action (INFRADEV-02-2016) from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2019. ACTRIS PPP brings together a wide community of research performing organizations, research funding organizations and ministries needed to take the decisions and actions to move forward in the implementation of the ACTRIS. This project will have a significant role in enabling the transition from a project-based network of research facilities, to a centrally coordinated integrated pan-European Research Infrastructure.

The main objectives of ACTRIS PPP are to develop the organizational, operational and strategic frameworks of the RI. The work includes legal, governance, financial, technical, strategic, and administrative aspects, with the final goal of establishing a legal entity with well-defined operations and a sound business plan.

CNRS is heavily implicated in the construction of ACTRIS. In particular, CNRS-LISA actively participate in the development of the National Facilities’ pillar with a special emphasis on the exploratory platform (simulation chambers and mobile platforms), by establishing the services that will be provides to users.



Coordinator: Sanna Sundet Sorvari - Finnish Metereological Institute (FMI), Finland
Contact LISA : Matilde Oliveri

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Dates: 01/01/2017 – 31/12/2019